newsletter - issue 3 - March 2017
SHARMED is an action-research project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), in partnership with the University of Suffolk (UK) and the Frederich-Schiller University of Jena (Germany). With SHARMED diversity gets to the centre of the learning experience, fostering inclusive dialogic processes, particularly with an eye to children of migrant background.
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3rd Partners

The 3rd SHARMED...


During the meeting in Jena...

in schools

Project activities in Italy...

on tour

The final report...




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3rd SHARMED transnational partners meeting

The 3rd SHARMED transnational partners meeting took place in Jena, Germany, last 27th January. Partners met to discuss several aspects of the project.
They reported to each other about the positive and good working atmosphere and active participation of teachers in the face to face training, shared plans and methodology for the classroom activities, facilitation schemes and data collection to be applied during the workshops, and many other topics linked to the project implementation.

Teacher training evaluation

During the meeting in Jena the result of the teachers training evaluation has been presented and jointly analysed to detect strengths and weaknesses of this important SHARMED activity. The evaluation show that the SHARMED methodology has been very welcomed by teachers.
Levels of satisfaction vary from country to country, mainly due to different organisational aspects and according to different teachers expectations. Overall the evaluation of the training is very positive in all countries, and the report shows that one of the project’s main objectives has been reached, e.g. to introduce innovative ideas for teaching (95% of participants say that they have developed new knowledge during the training; and 87% that they have developed new skills).

SHARMED activities in schools

SHARMED activities are going to be implemented in the second half of this school-year in Italy, Germany and United Kingdom’s schools. In some schools preliminary activities are taking place (pre-tests), while in other schools workshops with children already started. In all partner countries, meetings with parents and families are also taking place, to discuss the background questionnaire results and more in general about issues related to school wellbeing.
In Modena, school workshops started in February, with more than 400 photos collected and great involvement of children telling funny, exciting and touching stories about their family memories.
In Germany school activities kicked off on 8th of March and will take place all throughout June. Our partner schools in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt, Germany and our SHARMED Team at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, is very excited to hear about the children’s memories.
The UK team kicked activities off in London earlier in February, with 5 classrooms in the London Borough of Barnet already fully involved in SHARMED workshops. Approximately 150 pictures have been collected already. Children are enjoying the workshops, and lots of stories are being shared. More classrooms will join SHARMED over March and April, and a few more will be involved later in June, when children will be relieved from the Primary School exams, which constitute a career-defining moment in the English system.


Teachers coming together: our SHARMED Team in Jena, Germany, had the opportunity to take part in an annual network meeting for school educators and policy makers. The topic of this year’s meeting, which took place at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Germany on the 23rd and 24th of February 2017 was “Crossing boarders: education in schools with a democratic, intercultural and inclusive mindset”. Teachers and school board members from all over Germany joined the meeting. The SHARMED team participated in different workshops and was able to share its work and collect interesting insights for the upcoming classroom activities.
SHARMED joining the discussion on inclusive education: Dr. Luisa Conti, project leader of SHARMED at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, Germany, represented SHARMED at two events hosted by the German foundation for children and youth (Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung) in the last weeks of 2016 in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The events aimed at supporting dialogue among different stakeholders about the chances and challenges in the process of realization of inclusion in early education. The SHARMED approach which promotes inclusive educational environments is also being spread among teachers from different schools, for example during the training days for teachers at the Hermann Lietz Schools in Germany.
SHARMED-UK has been invited to present the project at the University of East Anglia Learning and Teaching Conference, taking place in Norwich on May 2017. This is the most important teachers’ education conference in the East of England, and more information will be provided for the next Newsletter.


With SHARMED diversity gets to the centre of the learning experience, fostering inclusive didactic processes, particularly with an eye to children of migrant background. By integrating the context of each individual in the class, the pupils will be offered the opportunity to use photographs to narrate their personal and family memories.
Working with teachers, children and their parents/carers, SHARMED combines dialogue with intercultural education.
Are you a teacher, a pupil or a parent/carer?
In the Sharmed web-site there is a specific section for you. Just click here!


Università di Modena e Reggio-Emilia
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
University of Suffolk


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  SHARMED (Shared Memories and Dialogues)
Call for proposals (EACEA/33/2014) - Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2015
Project nr. 562175-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
This project has been funded with the financial support of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the EACEA cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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