newsletter - issue 6 - July 2018
SHARMED is an action-research project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project is coordinated by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), in partnership with the University of Suffolk (UK) and the Frederich-Schiller University of Jena (Germany). With SHARMED diversity gets to the centre of the learning experience, fostering inclusive dialogic processes, particularly with an eye to children of migrant background.
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On 25 May 2018...

The project
is progressing

The data collection...


On the 29th March...

the UK

Last 1st June...


What can we learn...


More about Sharmed...


More about the partners...


How to get in contact

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

On 25 May 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect. The change in law means that we will need you to let us know if you want to continue receiving updates and news about our new activities and events.
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SHARMED Project is progressing

The data collection phase of the SHARMED project came to its end and the archiving process is almost completed.
The summary report will be also finalised soon, paving the way to the full development of the SHARMED tools and MOOC for teachers.
The project partners organised and attended several events to continue disseminating the project results and outputs, and some of them are better detailed in the rest of the newsletter.
All the project achievements will be presented in December 2018, when the final conference is scheduled.

SHARMED in Italy

On the 29th of March 2018, Vittorio Iervese presented in videoconference the SHARMED project and the use of its visual archives, during an event held at the Rettner Video Studio of the University of Rochester, in New York, USA. The meeting was co-organised by the Department of Modern Languages & Cultures and by the Digital Scholarship Lab.
On 13-15 June 2018, Vittorio Iervese participated in the panel "Photography and Public History" organized as part of the II national conference of the Italian Association of Public History, in Pisa. Prof. Iervese presented a report entitled: From Image to Imaginery: Sharmed and the promotion of memory narratives.



Last 1st June, the partner Universities of the SHARMED project met at the University of Suffolk, to plan the activities till the end of the year.
After presenting the activities run at local level in the last months, Claudio Baraldi and Vittorio Iervese (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Mathilde Berhault and Luisa Conti (University of Jena), Federico Farini, Erica Joslyn, Shamea Mia and Angela Scollan (University of Suffolk) discussed the state of the art of the archiving process, planned the structure and organization of the MOOC and training actions, and concluded the event identifying the ongoing dissemination activities, also including the final conference planned for December 2018.

SHARMED in Germany

What can WE learn from children? On the 4th of May 2018 Dr. Luisa Conti gave an input in the Session "Inclusion" of the national congress on "Quality in the early education" in Berlin. By presenting SHARMED and some of its findings, she fostered a dialogue among the participants on the steps needed to make inclusion real, starting from a critical reflection about the role of the adult in early education settings.
The exchange among peers was instead focus of her presentation in Karlsruhe on June 21st. At the conference organized in context of the Erasmus+ Project "Connect 2.0" Luisa Conti could share with the international audience relevant aspects of the conceptual framework of SHARMED. Learning from each other through connecting experiences is the approach which links the two projects, both aiming to foster intercultural learning.



With SHARMED diversity gets to the centre of the learning experience, fostering inclusive didactic processes, particularly with an eye to children of migrant background. By integrating the context of each individual in the class, the pupils will be offered the opportunity to use photographs to narrate their personal and family memories.
Working with teachers, children and their parents/carers, SHARMED combines dialogue with intercultural education.
Are you a teacher, a pupil or a parent/carer?
In the Sharmed web-site there is a specific section for you. Just click here!


Università di Modena e Reggio-Emilia
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
University of Suffolk


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  SHARMED (Shared Memories and Dialogues)
Call for proposals (EACEA/33/2014) - Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2015
Project nr. 562175-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD
This project has been funded with the financial support of the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the EACEA cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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